Key Tips to Improve Your Product Page SEO

Updated 12 November 2020

Product page Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is increasingly vital to sales. Here will discuss “Key Tips to Improve Your Product Page SEO”.

Potential customers must be interested in clicking through to your website, but to see it in the first place it needs to rank high on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP). To rank highly, the content needs to be semantically relevant.

In short, retailers need to balance original, engaging, and entertaining pages with pertinent information if they want to get good SEO results.

And high-ranked results generate more traffic, which should lead to more conversions and sales. Below are some of the best ways to achieve better SEO in your Bagisto product pages.

Get the SEO Basics Right

Before you move on to more advanced tips and tricks, make sure you’ve covered all the basic principles of SEO.

Since your meta description and title tag will probably be a prospective customer’s interaction with your brand, you should make these elements count.

enter meta description

Include long-tail keywords (three- and four-word phrases very specific to your product) and make points stand out with headers.

Including internal links is also very important. External links that other websites post to your site are essential for search engines to find your page, and the more sites that link to your content the better.

Internal link the links that you post to other pages within your site. They show search engines which pages to prioritize when ranking results, which can generate more click conversions.

Prioritize User Experience in SEO

User experience and SEO should both inform every aspect of your product page. Essentially, the content should be appealing and useful to customers, while simultaneously resulting in high-ranked SEO results.

A good example of this is to provide organic descriptions of the items that flow naturally while including appropriate keywords and phrases.

Analyze Keyword Searches

Take a closer look at the keyword searches that are actually generating traffic to your site so that you can focus more on similar phrases.


Clickstream data analysis, which looks at where customers go directly after visiting your product page, can also provide valuable information.

If you can see where the groups that search for particular keywords go, you’ll have a clearer idea of how to cater them.

For example, imagine a women’s apparel retailer. Two of the groups who ultimately click through to visit the vendor’s site are those that searching for either the key phrase women’s scarves or the phrase women’s shirts.

If more people from the group who searched for women’s scarves move on directly to a makeup site, the seller might phrase their scarf marketing content to emphasize how eye-catching the garments look with a certain shade lipstick or eye shadow.

Don’t Remove Product Pages Unless Strictly Necessary

You might need to remove a product page if an item is discontinued, but you probably shouldn’t do so in any other circumstances.

Removing the page because something is out of stock or out of season means that when you add it back, your site will have to build up an authority (required for your site to rank) from scratch again.

Instead, keep the page and provide links to similar products on that page.

Make Product Descriptions as Unique as Possible

Don’t take product descriptions from manufacturers’ sites because your pages will have a high volume of duplicate content.

Since search engines reject duplication this can significantly reduce your SEO. Write descriptions that are as unique as possible and make sure that the keywords you use flow naturally.

unique description

Search engines no longer prioritize keyword density and stuffing them into your content will make it look dated.

Include Customer Reviews

Product pages incorporating customer reviews are shown to convert 58% more visitors than pages without these write-ups.

People tend to trust the opinions of other individuals who had similar needs, but who have no reason to lie to them.

At the same time, customer reviews add fresh, non-duplicate content which will drive up your SEO ranking.

Keep Your Tone Consistent

Your tone should be consistent across all pages and messages, including your home screen and all product descriptions.

Think carefully about the phrases you use, especially if you’re using language translation. Your content needs to be easily understood by all your potential customers.

Leverage Live Chat

In addition to meeting technical requirements, your eCommerce website should use live chat software. Featuring live chat allows you to deal with customer queries and issues in real-time, in a very convenient way.

They don’t have to stop shopping, dial a number, or wait for a support agent to answer their telephone call.

live chat

Customer experience is better, and you have a clearer idea of what is important to your clients based on the questions that they ask.

With this information, you can make sure that the products promised in your SERP match what is available on your site. You can also find blog topics that would generate interest, which can further boost SEO.

Use Rich Snippets

Rich snippets are defined as extra text, images, or data that appear in the summaries on search engine results pages.

Price, product availability, customer reviews, and other content can make your page stand out to whatever engine shoppers are using.

Bagisto Rich Snippets

The software will feature your product description within the results, making it likelier to catch the eye of prospective buyers.

Optimize for Mobile Devices

Research shows that customers are much likelier to be satisfied with, and recommend, sites that are optimized for mobile applications.

mobile application

For example, one study found that 40% shopper said they’d leave a mobile page if it didn’t load within 3 seconds. Besides functioning well, mobile pages need to be attractive.

Choose and size pictures so that they look best on the smaller screens.

Closing Thoughts

In all cases, the objective of product page SEO is to create fresh, unique content that engages customers while also rating highly on SERP rankings.

With Bagisto, this can be achieved organically, by investing resources into the text, images, meta descriptions, and tags. While it may take time and effort, the return will be greater traffic, conversions, and, ultimately, sales.

That’s all about “Key Tips to Improve Your Product Page SEO”.

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