How to Optimize Your eCommerce Site for Skyrocketing Conversions?

Updated 31 August 2021

Generating a lot of conversions is the point of any halfway decent marketing strategy. In this article, we will see “How to Optimize Your eCommerce Site for Skyrocketing Conversions?

Conversions mean money, and money means that your online business will flourish. This sentiment, the conversion part of it at least, applies best to eCommerce stores.

The eCommerce industry has been on a constant path of rapid expansion, and it’s already overtaken traditional retail.

Amazon, the biggest eCommerce store in existence, is also one of the most prominent companies globally, and its owner is the world’s richest man by a long shot.

It’s safe to say that none of this would be possible if it weren’t for Amazon’s humble book-selling beginning and a constant effort to generate as many conversions as possible.

In this article, we’ll talk about how you can optimize your eCommerce website to skyrocket conversions. While you might not become the next Jeff Bezos, following the strategies to increase sales will help you a lot.


Why you should maximize your conversions?

The way business is conducted changed drastically with the evolution of the Internet, and so have the ways to generate more conversions.

Back in the day, businesses would generate conversions and turn prospects into customers by offering a wide array of discounts, stocking their shelves in a particular way, and using some smart advertising.

Digital stores such as eCommerce stores and SaaS providers can’t stock the shelves with anything, but they sure can organize things to look more appealing to the customer.

Unless you’re a multi-billionaire, you likely can’t compete with the giants that are eBay, Amazon, and Alibaba. Who is to say that you should compete with them in the first place, though?

There is always enough room for eCommerce stores, but as the prospects grow and the options do as well, things start to get more challenging, especially as competition never really sleeps.

Why do you need top-shelf landing pages anyway?

Well-designed landing pages are the magnum opus of lead generation, the top of your sales funnel, and the juggernaut that can generate enormous amounts of conversions with relative ease.

If you have a good landing page that genuinely attracts customers to your business, you’re pretty much set regardless of what you’re selling. How to Optimize Your eCommerce Site for Skyrocketing Conversions?

You’ve heard the expression:

“It’s not what you say – it’s how you say it.”

Well, that applies to sales as well. If it didn’t, things such as the memorable pet rock wouldn’t have made their creator a millionaire for selling literal rocks.

Back to the landing pages – if you want one that works, you’ll want to construct it with care. A landing page should spark interest in the person who visits it and slowly guides them to make the purchase.

Top 10 ways to optimize your eCommerce website for conversions

Landing pages are imperative in doing proper business like an eCommerce store. However, there are other ways you can entice people to visit your store and make a purchase.

Here are ten tried-and-true methods of optimizing your website to get more conversions.

Use clear CTA’s to provoke purchase intent!

Selling is the philosophy, and getting people to buy is the goal. In this case, honesty is the best policy, and the best way to express it is through a clear and concise call to action.

Some CTAs might seem a little bit too aggressive and on the nose – but that is only the case when companies don’t do it right.

A clear and cornice CTA should consist of authoritative language and action verbs that convey a high-yield, low-risk purchase. If you have that, your products will be selling like hotcakes.

One Page Guest Checkout

Simplicity is everything. No one will want to read long, monotonous blocks of text, go through ten different steps to make their purchase, and be redirected five times before they can buy.

That takes up valuable time, and the average shopper doesn’t have the attention to go through it, nor should they.

It’s your job to make the purchasing process as straightforward as possible, which is why you’ll want a one-page guest checkout.

Make it simple, easy to use, and let the customers get in and out as fast as possible, but stick long enough to sneak a peek at other products, and then repeat the process.

SSL Certified

SSL certifications haven’t been around for all that long, but they have been increasing in popularity over the last few years. You could say that they have become the staple of cybersecurity.

The days of HTTP are over – now it’s all about HTTPS, which is why your website should have an SSL certification.

Payment Security

Payment security is equally as important as SSL encryption and allows you to protect all the transactions that happen on your website.

Cybersecurity companies or payment providers usually issue this protection, and you practically can’t do business without having some form of payment security.

Product Reviews to Prompt Visitors

Product reviews are a slippery slope. Every modern consumer is aware that companies fake reviews all the time, and that’s completely fine.

You can mitigate this issue by providing a comment section on your product pages. You can also add some form of product reviews page where people can leave their thoughts on the products they’ve purchased.

Good reviews will prompt more visitors to buy your products.

Other than that, you should encourage your buyers to leave reviews on trusted sites such as Trustpilot, as that does wonders for generating conversions.

Clear and Intricate Product Images

Product images are the first thing that your consumers will see when they enter your website. That’s why you should go the extra mile to make them as clear and detailed as possible.

You need high-resolution images showing several different angles. The photos should accurately convey the product and leave nothing to the imagination.

Combine this with a detailed description, and you’ve got yourself a top-tier product listing that will sell.

Proactive customer Support

Being proactive is essential, but some websites, especially those in eCommerce, can be quite annoying when it comes to customer support.

You should provide exceptional customer support in as many ways as possible. Always ask your customers if they need any help as soon as they enter your eCommerce store.

Now, remote communication is easy, but you can’t have an agent available 24/7. Having a call center for eCommerce is useful, so consider outsourcing these needs or looking into IVR system solutions.

Don’t make your bot intrusive or annoying – just let the people know that if they need any help, they can get it right away.

Optimize Your Website for Mobile

It comes as no surprise that mobiles have overtaken desktops as the primary method of browsing the internet. The people shopping on eCommerce websites are most likely doing it from their phones.

A clunky website is terrible, but it’s even worse if it’s cumbersome on a small touchscreen device. Make sure to optimize your website for mobile, or better yet, consider investing in an app.

Concise Product Descriptions

Precise and easy-to-read product descriptions are as important as high-quality product images. Product images attract people to products, while product descriptions take them to the checkout. Every product description should clearly state everything that the product does in a few short lines.

User-Friendly UI

An excellent user interface is the icing on the cake that makes everything come together, and it’s especially important for eCommerce sites. It should be slick, and it should be easy to use.

You should carefully calibrate the user interface to your customer base, so it will be a little bit different from site to site, depending on what you’re selling.

In Conclusion

Optimizing your eCommerce website is a surefire way to create conversions. Doing these ten simple things will make your website look and perform much better, helping you turn more visitors into paying customers.

Creating as many conversions as possible means that you’re both maximizing your profits and your brand recognition.

Thanks for reading the article “How to Optimize Your eCommerce Site for Skyrocketing Conversions?”.

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