How to create SaaS eCommerce platform?

Updated 8 July 2021

“In this article, Firstly we will cover “How to create SaaS eCommerce platforms”.

Secondly and most important will be to cover some other related topics to understand if using a SaaS eCommerce platform is the right choice for your business.”


A lot of businesses is moving towards Software as a Service platform to run their operations such as Office 365, Salesforce, GoogleApps, and Box.

Technology is changing rapidly to speed up business operations and minimize its operating cost.

bagisto multi tenat saas module

The retails industry can take benefits of Laravel eCommerce Multi-Tenant SaaS platforms to streamline their business operations and can easily create their SaaS-based eCommerce application.

Gartner predicts that the SaaS technology revenue is to reach $85 billion in 2019

The growth increase from previous years by 17.8% and the public cloud revenues is forecasted to reach $278 billion by the year 2021.

The overall growth of the SaaS industry will be remaining the same. In 2019 a lot of companies adopting SaaS solutions for their business functions.

The SaaS application market will reach $113.1 billion in 2021. That will be up by almost twice from the 2017 revenues of $58.8 billion.


Gartner predicts that the SaaS technology revenue is to reach $85 billion in 2019


what is eCommerce

In a very basics eCommerce which is know as electronic commerce is a process of buying and selling of products and services over an Internet.

Also involves all types of commercial transactions conducted over the internet.

Cloud computing

What is cloud computing

Cloud computing is a general term, which is used to delivering hosted services over the internet.

Moreover, cloud computing service is divided into three major models as Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS).

Are you new to SaaS?

If you are exploring the concept of SaaS, this is the right place, where you will get the answer to all your questions such as what SaaS can do, how SaaS is different, and learn about how to create SaaS eCommerce platform.

Let’s understand  the SaaS

Let's understand what is SaaS

For Instance, A shopping mall that shares the same main entrance to all their tenant and common 24*7 security for each and everyone but each tenant has its own door and lock system.

This means only certain things are shared, but the most important thing is data or their store products are kept secure

In very simple words (SaaS) Software as a Service is sometimes called web-based software and on-demand software. SaaS is the perfect way of delivering applications over the Internet or cloud as a service.

Users can easily use this software even without installing it to their system they can simply access it via the Internet, freeing themselves from complex software and hardware management.

Software as a Service is one of the main cloud computing models between Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) and Platform as a service (PaaS).

SaaS eCommerce Platform

Software as a service is simply a software licensing and delivery model the user can easily access via the internet.

The SaaS eCommerce platform is a cloud-based software that can easily accessible globally.

The biggest advantage of the SaaS platform is that the user can easily use the software even without installing it.

And the third party provider is responsible for the security, performance, and maintenance of the application on their servers.

Moreover, SaaS applications are licensed on a subscription basis.

Users pay a monthly fee depends on their usage.

This licensing model is usually a cost-effective way for merchants to have real-time access to their eCommerce platform whenever and wherever there’s an internet connection.

Popular examples of SaaS eCommerce providers are Shopify and BigCommerce.

How to get started?

There is a series of technical questions when we are going to create a SaaS eCommerce platform such as selecting programming language, choosing the database, and which software tools should you choose?

There are many questions that need to be answered. Therefore I am trying to focus on the most important ones.

So, Let’s start with the first question:

Decide the programming language?

Which-programming-langauge-should use

While deciding programming language to create a SaaS eCommerce platform means deciding the latest programming language.

In between, you can use any latest technology to built saas based products like Python, Ruby on Rails, laravel, NodeJSLaravel, etc.

Below are a few essential points that the developer  must keep in mind while deciding the programming language:

  1. Firstly all the business and technical requirements must be considered as all the frameworks and their corresponding programming languages are tailored to solve specific problems. And the one which is near and better suits the needs of the business will be given priority.
  2. As there can be various approaches to create a SaaS application, therefore it is easy and safe to create a minimum viable product first that solves a major part of the problem. If this satisfies the client, this idea can further be elaborated to create a fully functional application.
  3. A developer should always focus on the better alternatives in case of a programming language in which they are more comfortable in working over.
  4. A SaaS application will sustain only if they are developed by using conservative programming language, that makes use of frameworks in intermediate layers.

But laravel has strong features to create saas product which you will not get in other frameworks like fast development, Lots of ready plugins e.g. data tables, analytics chart or PDF, excel exports and the most important is Laravel Spark.

Laravel Spark has already done 20-25% of the work for creating a SaaS-based project. Spark takes care of things such as billing, proration, team/user management, etc.

By using this you can easily create a SaaS business without worrying about the underlying moving part of the technology.

The perfect database

Secondly and most importantly, choosing the right database to create a SaaS eCommerce Platform.

After all installation of the database is the most important factor, Here we recommend you to use the document-oriented database.

documentoriented database is a computer program that is designed for storing, retrieving and managing documentoriented information.

Why should you choose a document-oriented database?

The document-oriented database is more flexible and ut reduces the database sizes. And in short, the document-oriented database offers a richer experience with modern programming techniques.

MongoDB vs MySQL

MySQL, and MongoDB, PostgreSQL and many more is a strong platform for your SaaS application. It’s very useful and very important to have an organized database for your solution.

What is MongoDB?

MongoDB is a document database with scalability and flexibility.

It provides high performance, high availability, and easy scalability and this document-oriented database store your data in collections made out of individual documents.

which stores data in tables form and maintains a relationship between the data.

What is MySQL?

MySQL is simply an open-source relational database management system that uses Structured Query Language. SQL is one of the most popular languages for adding, accessing and managing content in a database.


what is MySQL

When do we use MySQL?

MySQL is the first choice when an application is required a high level of security, availability, and support complex queries. However, developing any application that will benefit from its pre-defined structure and pre-set schemas for data integrity.

For instance, an application that requires multi-row transactions and perfect table data such as an accounting system or inventory system will thrive with the MySQL structure.

The advantages of MySQL are:

1. More Reliable.
2. Data integrity and security.
3 An easy way of representing a business model.
4. Easy to use the query language SQL.

5 reasons why should merchant moves to SaaS eCommerce Platforms.

There are many reasons for merchants are moving towards SaaS platforms to run their eCommerce business successfully, with minimizing its operating cost.

5 reasons why should merchant moves to SaaS eCommerce Platforms

Minimizing Cost

Operating SaaS eCommerce application is more affordable, you just no need to build your application platform from scratch.

As so much functionality already built into the platform, you don’t have to spend as much on add-ons.

On the other hand, merchants save the cost of maintenance. They are also not responsible for the ongoing maintenance of their website. No need to buy extra storage.

More Flexible

To achieve your goal or to be successful, your system should be flexible that can handle the rapid change in the market or external factors.


SaaS eCommerce application offers you a flexible delivery model so that you can change it when your business requirement changes.

You will be able to experiment in a less risky environment by trying on a new project.

Easy Maintainance

This is one of the best advantages of SaaS eCommerce platforms is that the provider hosts and maintains the software itself. Merchant has no need to worry about the hosting provider.

They are also responsible for uptime, performance speed, software bug fixes, and software updates.

Even If you don’t have your own IT dept to manage this, then this is an important distinction of SaaS platforms.

Easy Integration

When you are running an eCommerce business, it does not mean you just need only one app to run your entire business operation.

The laravel multi-company SaaS module offers easy customization abilities this means the merchant can easily add any extra features and functionalities to their store or can easily enhance it.

However, the merchant should not run their entire business from their eCommerce platform. Because this software is just a shopping cart.

Here SaaS eCommerce platforms are usually easier to integrate with an existing ERP, POS, or any other accounting software. Most of the SaaS platforms have powerful APIs that make integration easier.


The SaaS-Based software is ready to use solution, however, the merchant no need to install it to their system.

You can add in more number of users as your business expands without thinking about improving the hardware.


Creating a SaaS-based eCommerce platform is not a tricky job, all you need to decide the best programming language with the document-oriented database.

All sorts of businesses can have many benefits from using SAAS applications.


The companies moving towards Cloud-based apps with the SaaS business model are increasing day by day, the reason being, it is based on the subscription model and has numerous benefits.

SaaS is the best solutions that meet the organizational requirement such as data security and high performance.

For more, you can also check out the full video of Laravel e-Commerce Multi-Tenant SaaS Module

Live Demo

Thanks for reading this blog, looking forward to hearing something from yo.

If you looking to create a SaaS eCommerce platform need any suggestions or help feel free to contact us at we’ll be happy to help you.♥♥

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