How to Use Conversational Commerce To Win More Customers?

Updated 23 November 2020

Getting customers to check out your products might be fairly easy. Winning their loyalty, however, is not. In this article, we will see ” How to Use Conversational Commerce To Win More Customers? ”

How do you connect with customers in a way that makes them loyal, repeat buyers? The answer is simple: have better relationships with them.

Customer relationships are built on conversations. Every conversation with customers should be positive, meaningful, and timely. But there’s a problem – businesses aren’t doing a good job with that.

Listen to this: 62 % of businesses don’t reply to customer support emails. It gets even worse with social media messages. This causes frustration, and many leave for competitors.

What is Conversational Commerce?

Conversational commerce is a type of communication between brands and customers through messaging apps.

The purpose of conversational commerce is simulating the in-store experience for customers. At the heart of that experience is a virtual assistant, typically a chatbot, which provides help through predetermined options.

Customers love chatbots because they provide answers in seconds.

That’s why these personal assistants are slowly becoming a norm in eCommerce. Businesses have realized their value: handling repetitive support queries, engaging shoppers, and giving basic information such as return policies.

How Does Conversational Commerce Get Customers?

The answer is simple: by keeping customer experience with your business positive and engaging.

People don’t want to waste their time and money on businesses that treat them badly. So, they tend to follow those with amazing customer support and lots of help available during store browsing.

What makes a good experience for customers? Four things:

Amazingly, conversational commerce can help you a bit with all of these.

And you’ll be smart to use this strategy right now. Already, the experience is more important for customers than product and price. PwC, for example, found it to be the deciding factor in making buying decisions for customers around the world.

Just like trust matters more than discounts in eCommerce, customer experience is the new opportunity to get customers.

So, give customers a great experience, and they’ll return to you. Here’s how to make that happen.

How to Win More Customers with Conversational Commerce?

Early adopters of conversational commerce tools – website chatbots, Facebook Messenger bots, etc. – are using these strategies.

1. Build Your Email List

Email marketing is a great source of revenue for eCommerce sellers. Getting people to subscribe to product newsletters, however, is tough. Push notifications could work, but you need something more to become a leading brand.

Website chatbots are the thing you need. They can… get you eCommerce leads automatically! Yes, you read that right. Here’s how it goes:

That’s it. The chatbot works 24/7 and gets subscribers, who are glad to get some perks from brands they love.

This free chatbot from 5 % Nutrition store, for example, promises exclusive offers and discounts to first-time visitors. In exchange for an email, of course, which is a reasonable deal.

This way, you can build a sizable email list of leads. Now, it’s over to email marketing folks at that point to nurture customers and get sales.

2. Assist Customers with Product & Service Search

Many customers are starting to use chatbots to choose a product and service. Thankfully, the chatbot technology has gotten to the point where it can give customers nice recommendations.

The examples of such chatbots come from all industries and businesses. The one from is worth a look.

This Facebook Messenger chatbot calls itself “a virtual travel assistant,” and lives up to the name. If you check out the conversation below, you’ll see that it asks relevant questions (location and date) to help the customer find a perfect hotel to stay in.

All of this happens in less than a minute. So, the customer can get to the best options quickly without going through the search on the website. Conversational commerce at its best!

Just like that, a chatbot helps customers choose products and services. But the benefits for eCommerce sellers don’t end there.

As the ability to recognize customer intent improves, chatbots are becoming more effective at keeping conversations engaging and fun. AI-based smart chatbots, for example, even have unique personalities and communication styles.

Here’s an example. When asked about shipping, Kōkua, a Facebook chatbot from snack producer Kaimana Jerky, gives this awesome answer.

Can you imagine looking for products with such a fun assistant? That would be an awesome experience – exactly what buyers are looking for.

How can you write such positive messages?

The fastest way: find a dedicated conversational writer.

Besides writing skills, they need to be a super creative person. Sellers have two options: hire a chatbot writer from platforms like SupremeDissertations and ClassyEssay or an in-house writer.

3. Help with Shopping-Related Questions on Facebook

Many customers follow brands on social media to get help with shopping. In fact, 37% of them contact brands to get support related to their orders and shopping in general.

Business researchers, marketers, and growth hackers have been keeping a close watch on this trend. Diana Nadim Adjadj, an eCommerce writer at TrustMyPaper: “There were 300,000 Messenger chatbots a few years ago, and they keep getting popular.

Social media is where customers begin to feel comfortable buying, so businesses use chatbots there to chat with them.”

Example: Kindred Bravely, a clothing brand, has a bot that helps with common shopping-related questions.

Order status updates, help with figuring out product size and product returns. Indeed, those are common questions of online customers. So, a lot of customers might be asking these every day.

Instead of emailing or calling Kindred Bravely, shoppers can just go to Facebook and get the answers in seconds. No need to wait for a support agent to become available.

Conversational Commerce: Summary

Should you try a chatbot for your online store or social media business page?


It’s not a matter of being a tech-savvy seller and following marketplace trends. It’s about giving your customers the experience they want and deserve. Clearly, they love to chat with online assistants, so it’s time to explore your options.


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