Install Anaconda in Linux and Conda commands

Updated 3 August 2021

In this tutorial, we will see what is anaconda, the benefits of using anaconda, and how to install it then we will see what is conda, the difference between Anaconda and conda, and the commands of conda. so let’s start-


What is Anaconda?

Anaconda is an open-source package manager, environment manager, and data science distribution for python and R languages. It includes more than 1,500 data science packages that are compatible with Linux, Windows, and macOS. it mostly used for package management and deployment. It provides tools for collecting data from several sources with Machine Learning and AI algorithms.


Benefits of Anaconda


Downloading and Installing in Linux

There are step for installation you have to follow:-

1 – Download anaconda installer from here

2 – Verify data integrity with SHA-256

open the terminal and run the following command

3 – after that run this command on the terminal to start the installation

4 – now you will see the license agreement press “enter” to view license terms and continue then do agree on license terms and enter “yes” to continue.

5 – after that, you will see three options on terminal Enter to accept the default install location, CTRL-C to cancel the installation, specify an alternate installation directory. choose and enter to process further.

6 – then the terminal asks you Do you wish the installer to initialize Anaconda3 by running conda init? type “yes” and enter. If anaconda will successfully be installed into your system you will see this message “Thank you for installing Anaconda<2 or 3>!” on the terminal.


Difference between Anaconda and conda

Anaconda includes 1,500 open-source packages for python and R like conda, numpy, scipy, ipython notebook, and so on. whereas conda is a package manager which helps to install and uninstall libraries in your working environment and so on.


Some basic conda commands

1. Create an environment


2. Activate conda environment

3. Deactivate conda environment

4. see list of conda environments

5. create env with specific python version

6. Remove environments through conda

7. How can I rename a conda env name

then remove old env

8. See installed packages list

first, activate the environment then run this command on terminal


I hope this blog is helpful to you. Feel free to comment for any queries or suggestions. Also, You can follow me here for more such blogs. Thanks for reading.


Thank You

. . .

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