Laravel Marketplace USPS Shipping

Laravel Marketplace USPS Shipping

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CompatibilityBagisto 1.3.1
Last Update01 Mar 2021
Created03 Sep 2020
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Laravel Marketplace USPS Shipping

Marketplace Usps Shipping module provides Usps Shipping method for shipping the product. By using this, you can provide Usps (United States Postal Service) shipping.

This shipping service calculates the shipping rate according to the seller’s product weight and the seller’s origin address. Using this module, the admin can enable the option of USPS shipping method for the seller’s products.

This allows the customers to choose the USPS shipping method on the checkout page if the seller has provided the USPS shipping method for their product.

Please Note – To use this extension, you must purchase and install Laravel Multi-Vendor Marketplace, first.

Features of Laravel Marketplace USPS Shipping

  • The admin can enable or disable the Usps Shipping method.
  • The admin can set the Usps shipping method name that will be shown from the front side.
  • The admin can allow sellers to save their own credentials.
  • The admin can define the allowed methods and weight units.
  • The admin can set packaging type and drop off type.
  • The seller can add Invoice.
  • The dynamic shipping method for freight calculation.
  • Ability to download Invoice.

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