Laravel eCommerce eBay Connector

Laravel eCommerce eBay Connector

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CompatibilityBagisto v0.1.8
Last Update19 Mar 2024
Created23 Jul 2019
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Laravel eCommerce eBay Connector allows the admin to integrate Bagisto store with eBay store and sync all your products, categories, and orders. The admin can provide eBay specifications, variations, refund policy, shipping, and payment details for the exported products.
Import information related to products, categories, and orders from the eBay store to Bagisto store. The admin can easily export the product from Bagisto store to the eBay store. 

Laravel eCommerce eBay Connector Features :

  • The admin can configure multiple eBay seller accounts.
  • eBay seller account authorization feature enabled.
  • The admin allows eBay Event Notification for the Real-Time Sync.
  • The admin can import the eBay product.
  • Import individual eBay product by providing eBay item id.
  • The admin can also import eBay products with the help of date range [From and To date].
  • Synchronize the Bagisto both Simple and Configure product to eBay and vice versa.
  • The admin can set the Product’s shipment and listing related information for each eBay seller account.
  • Provided imported eBay’s categories List for different eBay sites.
  • Import Simple and Configurable product types from eBay.
  • Import eBay Orders to the Bagisto store.
  • The admin can import the individual eBay order with order items by providing eBay order id.
  • The admin can also import eBay orders with the help of date range [From and To date].
  • Set the default quantity for exporting products to the eBay store.
  • Option to revise the eBay product if changes occur in the Bagisto store.
  • Revise the changes for product’s Title, Description, Price, and Quantity occur in the Bagisto store, the results will reflect on the eBay store.
  • Export Simple and Configurable product types to eBay.
  • The product information like base image, name, price, and quantity get imported along with the product.
  • The product information like SKU, price, quantity, images, and quantity get exported along with the product.
  • Set the default channel and order status for the imported order in the Bagisto store.
  • The admin can import categories of eBay to map with the Bagisto category.
  • Products can sync with Condition, Specification, and Variation.
  • The admin can create multiple price rules to update the price of the synced products automatically.
  • Separate errors reporting for individual product and order sync result, supporting for Import, Export product and Import Order.
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