Bagisto Features

Multi-Vendor Marketplace

Convert your store into the marketplace where multiple vendors can sell their products on your website. It will be a one-stop solution for your buyers to get different purchase options from multiple vendors so as to increase conversions on your website.

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Multi Vendor Marketplace

Multi Store Inventory

Connect your store with multiple inventory source to manage multi-channel inventories from a single website and easily track your product stock in a particular inventory.

Multi Store Inventory

Product SEO

Enrich your product with meta description, title, keywords and further enhance your product SEO to make sure that they appear on top of the search directly to your audience.

Product SEO

Search by Image

Powered by Tensorflow, the laravel eCommerce store provides native support to machine learning implementation for a seamless search experience to your customers using improvised product search by image.

Search by image

Core Web Vitals

Continuous improvement of your website and analysis of your customer experience is the root of your success. Google’s core web vitals provide unified guidance to your laravel e-commerce store that is essential to delivering a great user experience on the web.

Core Web Vitals

PayPal Smart Button

Give your store’s customers a simplified and secure checkout experience with PayPal Smart Payment Button which offers global payment methods like Credit or Debit cards, plus more local payment methods relevant to the country.

PayPal Smart Button
Sell on Multiple Channel

Sell on Multiple Channel

Customer & Groups

Customer & Groups

Payment Methods

Payment Methods

Product Catalog

Product Catalog



Cart Managment

Cart Managment

Custom Attributes

Custom Attributes

Insights Report

Insights Report

Shipping Methods

Shipping Methods

Simple & Configurable

Simple & Configurable



Manage Order

Manage Order



Multiple Currency Support

Multiple Currency Support

Access Control Level

Access Control Level



Sale Management

Sale Management

Promotion & Discount Coupon

Promotion & Discount Coupon



Performance and Speed Optimisation

Performance and Speed Optimisation

Powerful Video Marketing

Powerful Video Marketing

Personalized Newsletters

Personalized Newsletters

Managing Out of stock Items

Managing Out of stock Items

Minimum Order Amount

Minimum Order Amount

Access Control Level

Create multiple access level for your eCommerce store as an admin or agents and assign dedicated roles with permission to run the day to day business operations.

Access Control Level

Insights Report

Get detailed insights into your customers, orders and product sales to create an effective marketing campaign and track your progress.

Insights Report

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