Case Study Patwa Traders

Patwa Traders: Indian Jewelry Brand Establishes Online Global Presence With Bagisto



Use Case

Single Store





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Patwa Traders is a Indian jewelry store located in Mumbai which specializes in selling beautiful artificial jewelry pieces such as necklaces, earrings, and bracelets.

The store offers a wide variety of fashionable and affordable jewelry options made from materials other than precious metals and gemstones.

Indian jewelry store

Patwa Traders aims to provide stylish artificial jewelry that allows customers to accessorize that suits every taste and budget.

With its vast selection and reasonable prices, this jewelry destination allows everyone to enjoy the latest jewelry trends.

Bagisto development services helped them to expand their business reach by establishing a successful online Indian jewelry store.

Artificial Jewellery Market in India

The artificial jewelry market in India is huge as this kind of jewelry is more affordable for regular people.

According to Statista, the artificial jewelry market in India was valued at around 400 billion rupees in 2021.

Their designs mimic real gemstone jewelry using inexpensive materials like plastic, beads, and plated metals which cost way less than the original items.

Indian jewelry store

Many people in India like to wear jewelry made from materials other than expensive metals and gems.

Artificial jewelry is popular across all sections of Indian society and are bestsellers on many famous e-commerce marketplaces.

With India’s love for jewellery, the demand for trendy but inexpensive artificial pieces like bangles, earrings and necklaces remain high in future.

Challenges Faced by Patwa Traders

Patwa Traders were looking for an e-commerce platform that could offer a robust and secure foundation for their online jewelry store.

The management wanted a platform where they could handle the back-end operations with ease and efficiency using headless eCommerce.

They required a platform that was user-friendly, scalable, secure, customizable, and can seamlessly integrate with other e-commerce tools and platforms.

To resolve these challenges they decided to look online and decided to use Bagisto eCommerce extension as their e-commerce solution.

In this case study, we will explore how Patwa Traders successfully established their e-commerce website using Bagisto functionalities.

User Friendly and Customizable Interface

Bagisto’s user-friendly interface enabled Patwa Traders to manage their online jewelry store with ease.

The platform’s customizable design and layout features allowed Patwa Traders to create a unique and professional online shopping experience for their customers.


For people who want to build their website with unique designs Bagisto offer multiple themes like Rastmart to enhance the look and functionality of their eCommerce store.

Mobile Responsive Design

Bagisto provides a responsive design that adapts to different devices and screen sizes like mobile apps, tablets, or desktops.

mockup Indian jewelry store

mockup Indian jewelry store

This feature helped Patwa Traders to provide a consistent and user-friendly shopping experience to their customers, regardless of the device they were using.

Scalability and Security Features

Bagisto’s scalability ensured that Patwa Traders could easily expand their product range and customer base to handle increased traffic and sales without any problem.

The platform’s built-in security measures, such as HTTPS encryption and secure payment gateways, protected Patwa Traders’ customer data and transactions.


It also follows the EU GDPR Compliance protocols which are the strongest privacy and security law in the world.

Easy Payment and Shipping Integration

Bagisto provides integration with various payment and shipping providers, allowing Patwa Traders to offer their customers a smooth and convenient checkout experience.


This feature helped Patwa Traders to improve their conversion rates and increase sales as the checkout process was simplified for first time buyers.

SEO and Marketing Tools

Bagisto provides various SEO and marketing tools that help Patwa Traders improve their search engine rankings and attract more customers.

This SEO Management feature helped Patwa Traders to increase their online visibility and reach a wider audience.

Octane Support

Bagisto’s Octane feature helps Patwa Traders website load faster with Quick loading pages providing a better user experience.

Octane uses advanced caching and optimized database queries to make webpage performance smoother and more efficient.

End Note

Finally, Bagisto’s features helped Patwa Traders to build a user-friendly online store that offers a variety of products to customers.

The platform’s robust and scalable architecture allowed this Indian jewelry store to expand its product range and customer base beyond its physical store.

This contributed to the brand’s success in the competitive artificial jewellery market and made them stand out from others.

You can also check other Bagisto extensions to enhance your online store.

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