Compatibility | Bagisto v1.5.1 |
Last Update | 18 Mar 2024 |
Created | 29 May 2023 |
Developer | WebOccult Technologies Pvt Ltd |
Support | |
Incorporate the ammazza-webar-laravel plugin in any of the Laravel project
Step 1: Install the package using the below command in a project root terminal
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composer require ammazza/webar |
Step 2: Publish assets for Ammaza plugin by running the below command
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php artisan vendor:publish --tag=public --force |
Step 3: Add client id in your project .env file (Refer to Prerequisites to get client id)
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Don’t forget to run clear cache after changes in the env file
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php artisan optimize:clear |
Step 4: Now add Ammazza script and style to your view/blade file where you want to add the Tryon button
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<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset('css/ammaza-tryon-style.css') }} "/> <script src="{{ asset('js/ammaza-tryon-scripts.js') }} "></script> |
Step 5: Add try on a button using the below code in view or controller
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{!! app('trynow')::getTryOn()!!} |
By default, it will load all the products for the client id. If you want to show custom products pass the product id as below
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{!! app('trynow')::getTryOn("YourProductId")!!} |
If you have more details or questions, you can reply to the received confirmation email.
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