Social Commerce Vs Ecommerce

Updated 16 September 2022

Before starting with the topic – “How S-Commerce is different from Ecommerce” we need to know about Social Commerce first.

Social Commerce means selling and buying goods & services on social media platforms like – Meta (Facebook), Instagram, LinkedIn, and other platforms.

Social Commerce

Now the main question is “how Social Commerce is different from E-commerce“.

Difference Between Social Commerce & Ecommerce

The main difference between electronic commerce & social commerce i.e. we can use e-commerce only to purchase or sell products, goods, and services whereas social commerce can be used to connect people all over the globe can communicate with them, calling, video calling, promoting products (that include your social profile as well) along with the eCommerce features like buying and selling things.

The major advantage of social commerce over e-commerce i.e. it uses social platforms that allows you to connect with customers across countries.

Another thing is the popularity of social platforms the traffic and sales increase for your products and services.

Now you might be thinking that we can also make our e-commerce website popular by making it SEO friendly then why use S-commerce?

It is true that by improving the SEO of e-commerce websites, we can improve the search results for products as well as for e-commerce stores.

But again it’s a very time taking process, and one of the most important things is branding/ promotions and for that, you again have to spend a lot of money, effort, and time.

Whereas if you are using social commerce then this means you are using social platforms and everyone is aware of social platforms and uses them in almost every corner of the globe.

Another thing i.e you can use popular social media profiles for promoting your products and services by requesting them for the same. This will save your efforts and time, and also because of the promotion of your products by popular people/ celebrities, you will get a lot of demand for those products.

social commerce

Another Question If Social Commerce is that much easy then why use eCommerce instead of S-commerce?

Yes, you are right that using S-commerce is easy and is trending nowadays but don’t forget that social commerce is nothing but just a subset/ part of eCommerce.

But if we look at the bigger picture all the customer information on social commerce managed by the social media platform not by the vendors.

That makes it harder for the vendors to know more about the customers and to showcase their related products. Whereas in e-commerce every piece of information is managed by the store owners which helps them to know more about the customer.

Another thing is trust, anyone can easily create a social commerce account and can create fake products or bad quality products that can break the trust of the customers.

but if we talk  about e-commerce, in most e-commerce websites the admin verifies the sellers and can even use custom field registration form for the vendors for verification step.

Use of S-Commerce in the eCommerce Industry

There are many ways where one can use S-commerce on an eCommerce website to improve the user experience. The best example of the same is Chatbot System.

If you are having your eCommerce website on CMS platforms like Magento (Adobe Commerce), PrestaShop, and Shopify then you may check our Chatbot System.

As we know the number of mobile users is more than the desktop users in the present world and everyone is in hurry. So why not make the purchase cycle easy and less time taking for the customers?

The best thing to do so is to integrate chatbot systems like – WhatsApp chatbot into the eCommerce store. This kind of system allows you to connect social commerce to eCommerce. By doing so the customer finds it easier to place the order and do other eCommerce-related activities using the social media platform like WhatsApp as the bot will be assisting the customers.

Use Facebook Shops Bridge in eCommerce

You can even connect your CMS platform with your Facebook shop and can sync products for both shops as well. For more information, you can check  Social Commerce for Magento 2.

You may check Other CMS platforms offering Social Network Services for Facebook.

Promote Your Products at S-Commerce

The best way to promote products of an eCommerce website is to use social media or instead you can use Social Commerce. There are many add-ons/ extensions/ modules that allow the customers to view reviews of other shoppers shared by using photos, videos, and posts.

you may check some of those xtensions:


If you have any queries or suggestions for us or any of our extensions/modules then kindly contact us at [email protected] or raise a ticket at HelpDesk Support.

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