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E-Commerce, an effective way to sell stuff

Electronic Business or Internet Commerce is all purchasing of the goods or services through the online medium like the Internet. In the current scenario E-Commerce is an effective way to sell stuff.

E-Commerce allows you to sell your physical products online there is no need to visit the physical store. E-Commerce also provides you with the flexibility to carry all the steps of shopping online, just by sitting at your living place.

E-business is differentiated from E-Commerce. E-Commerce is the selling of products or services online whereas E-Business allows you to carry all the operations of your business online i.e. holding meetings, exchanging business documents, etc.

E-Commerce was first started in 1990. Since then E-Commerce business allows consumers to discover products online. It is estimated that there will be a great rise in the eCommerce business by 2021.

Types of E-Commerce Business

There are four types of E-Commerce business models that take place between business to consumer and vice versa.

C2C (Consumer to Consumer):

In C2C eCommerce consumers sell products to another consumer i.e. selling an old car to another consumer using E-Bay.

C2B (Consumer to Business):

In C2B E-Commerce consumers sell products or services online to another business i.e. a food manufacturing company offering the services of feeding to the company.

B2C (Business to Consumer):

In B2C eCommerce business sells products or services to consumers i.e. buying a pizza from Pizza Hut.

B2B (Business to Business):

In B2B E-Commerce business sells products or services to another business i.e. a furniture manufacturing company selling furniture to another company for use.

Examples of E-Commerce Business

E-Commerce takes place in a variety of different forms however the most prominent one of them are.

We will discuss all the types of E-Commerce one by one.


In Services, a particular business, consumer or company sell their services in exchange for money. In such a case, time is exchanged with money.

Physical Products

Physical Products involve the sale of physical products to consumers in exchange for money.


In Crowdfunding consumers usually pay for the products or services before it is being made available in the market. The final product, in this case, will be the efforts of the consumers.

Whole Sale

In the Whole Sale, products are sold in bulk to the retail which in turn will sell in bulk to the consumers.


In Retail, business sell products directly to the customers without the involvement of any third party.


Drop-Shipping usually involves the third party in the movement or purchasing of products or services from business to consumer.


In subscription consumers purchase products again and again from the business until he cancels the subscription.

Digital Products

Digital Products involve the digital products or services for selling i.e. domain and web hosting, SEO services, SEO Tools, Netflix subscription, digital library subscription and others such.

Examples of Some eCommerce websites

In the current situation eCommerce is an effective way to sell the products and to reach the customers in a broad manner. In the world of internet, the eCommerce business has shown an epic growth.

For the best of sales of your E-Commerce store, it is recommended to combine E-Mail and Social Marketing in your strategy. E-Mail marketing will make your products and services to be market via E-Mail.

Whereas the huge majority of people also uses Social Media. More than 1 billion peoples are currently using Facebook while the number is growing day by day. It is, therefore, the best way to attract the audience.

For E-Mail marketing, you can integrate some E-Mail marketing service on your website such as Mail Chimp to deliver automatic emails.

Content has also been in huge demand nowadays. Describe your products well however don’t go too long. This will also play an effective part.


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