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What’s New in Bagisto v1.4.4?

In this article, we are going through the new features and enhancements made to Bagisto, So let’s go through – What’s New in Bagisto v1.4.4

Laravel Community, Developers, beginners, and our respective customers are always ready for their support and love for Bagisto.

By improving the platforms, it gets better and good results can easily be obtained from it.

So let’s start and see- “What’s New in Bagisto v1.4.4?”

Introducing the new features in v1.4.4

Notifications Marked as All Read

Having many notifications on the page confuses the admin and it will make lose some important notifications. So now the admin can mark all the notifications as read if he doesn’t want to open them every time.

In simple words, the admin has the option to mark the notifications as read.

Button for Clear Filters

There are many times that we apply more than one filter to find out something in the website but removing it one by one is so tedious.

So we have introduced the button for clearing all the filters at a single time.

That will help you by not getting confused with having any filter remain.

URL_KEY does not Change

In bagisto, while updating the product name in the other languages, its URL_KEY also gets changed. And it is quite not practical that the product’s URL key keeps on changing.

But with version 1.4.4, the product’s URL_KEY should not change if the admin is editing the product’s name for another locale.

Look at the URL key in locale English-

And now look at the URL key in locale Hindi-


Tooltip Message for Wishlist

When the customer comes to the wishlist and after adding the item to the wishlist he shares it but over there, no message comes after copying the wishlist share link.

But now in bagisto v1.4.4, there is a tooltip message, after copying the wishlist share link.

Preview Option in the CMS Pages Table

Rather than opening the CMS pages by going inside each page, it would be far better if we can have the preview option outside so that it can save time for the admin.

It will be previewed as given below-

Notification of Coupon Applied

The customer gets confused if he didn’t have any notification of the code applied. He keeps on adding it till he didn’t proceed to the checkout option.

The new version of Bagisto now shows the notification to the customer stating Coupon Code is applied.

Flash Message at Applying Cart Rule

When the customer is eligible for getting the cart rule on his order at the time of checkout, he can now see the flash message stating- Success! Cart rule is Applied.

And if the admin disables the cart rule then the flash message should not be visible.

So, that was much about the “What’s New in Bagisto v1.4.4?” for any queries or doubts reach out to us at You can also raise a ticket at our HelpDesk System.

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