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What is the difference between E-Commerce and E-Marketing

A lot of debate goes on between the terms e-commerce and e-marketing. In this article, we will highlight the difference between e-commerce and e-marketing.

eCommerce is a transaction of buying or selling online. 

Electronic commerce is extracted by technologies like electronic mobile commerce, supply chain management, Net marketing, online transactions, data interchange (EDI), and inventory management systems.

Electronic commerce typically uses the WWW(World Wide Web).

eMarketing is also known as Online Marketing or Digital Marketing.

eMarketing is the process of marketing different services and products using Internet resources. It also includes marketing done through emails and wireless media. 

It uses a great range of technologies to help connect different businesses to their customers throughout the globe.

According to Investopedia: Digital marketing is the process of using the Internet, social media, mobile devices, search engines, and other channels to reach customers. 

Digital marketing provides you different channels to target the customers such as websites and landing pages, PPC ads, content marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, affiliate marketing, video marketing, etc.

E-commerce, on the other hand, is “a business model that lets firms and individuals buy and sell things over the Internet

There are four main types of eCommerce business models.

1. Business to Consumer (B2C): 

When a business sells a product or service to a particular consumer (for example You buy a handbag online)

2. Business to Business (B2B)

When a business sells a product or service to other businesses (For example A business sells software as a part of a service to other businesses to use)

3. Consumer to Consumer (C2C): 

When a consumer sells out a product or service to another consumer (For example. You sell your old furniture on OLX to another customer).

4. Consumer to Business (C2B): 

 A customer sells out the products or services to a business or an organization.


Digital marketing is all about the strategies to attract an audience and convince them to take action by giving likes and comments and recommending them to others. 

With good digital marketing strategies, you are providing a platform for people to know and recognize the brand.

Ecommerce, on the other hand, is just a way to sell and buy goods or services online which is the one and only ultimate goal of Digital Marketing.

 Hope this blog has cleared all your doubts related to e-marketing and e-commerce.
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