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How to stand out as the eCommerce sector is getting more crowded?

In this blog, we will discuss How to stand out as the eCommerce sector is getting more crowded? As we all know that time is changing and so everything is evolving whether it is us, the Market, or Technologies. And here we will be focusing on eCommerce Marketplaces like Flipkart, Amazon, and eBay.

Today everyone is well aware of the Power of the Internet through Online Marketplace. Our curiosity has compelled us to explore more and apply the same on the market.

This attracted more and more entrepreneurs to gain more traffic in their Businesses through the eCommerce Marketplace/Online Marketing. This created a huge crowd in the eCommerce Marketplace Sector. 

eCommerce marketplace can easily be developed with advanced tools like Bagisto there are many others like Bagisto e.g. Magento, wooCommerce, etc. Now the question is how we can stand out from such a crowd to gain more traffic, more sales, and more popularity among the Customers. 

Before Starting eCommerce Business 

There are certain things the eCommerce needs to check before starting the eCommerce BusinessIt is completely based on the diversity of the Products. Here the customer can find a wide range of products that customers can purchase.

So it is important to go through below mentioned points. Research your business idea to the smallest details keeping the customer in the mind through their perspective.

Get feedback on your product Idea by talking to Potential Customers. Do thorough research on how the shipping will be managed and the order will be delivered to the customers.

Source the products by allowing the other sellers to sell. Or the marketplace owner can also set up their own manufacturing unit as well in multiple places in order to minimize the order fulfillment time. 

Prepare a strategy to deliver the products in minimum time and as per the convenience of the customers. 

Attract the customers with attractive promotions/offers.

Here are some ideas to stand out in the Crowded eCommerce Sector. 

Market Perception

The marketplace owners can get feedback from their customers which allows them to have an idea about their worth among the customers whether they are happy or not. 

And make sure that the customers will be happy. If there is any negative impression on the customer, it indicates that there is a high chance the customer will not return.  Or invest in the product or your market.

This is the most important idea for any business as with a happy customer the Marketplace can have future deals.  And the Positive testimonials as well but if the customer is unhappy then it means that the marketplace lost the Potential customer. It means no future deals and negative testimonials as well. 

It will give a good part of the impact on the marketplace in both ways either positive or negative. 

Marketplace owners have to be careful with the customers, their requirements, and their satisfaction. 

Simple and unique message for customers on the website to stand out in the crowded eCommerce Sector

Marketplace owners can attract more customers through the attractive punch line for their website if you check every marketplace offers the same service and use almost the same punch line as well like we sell services, and products. We care about customer satisfaction. It will be a good start to stand out in the crowded eCommerce sector.

But if the marketplace owner makes the punchlines small and attractive according to the customer needs (Affordable price, offers, quality, and extensive support) the customer can easily be attracted.  

These punch lines play a most important role in attracting the customer. So the marketplace owner should always focus on the punch line as well because it also represents the marketplace/ brands/products as well.  

The attractive look of the website stands out in the crowded eCommerce sector.

The first thing the customer sees and gets attracted to the website is the UI/UX of the website. It would be best if marketplace owners make their websites with more eye-catching design and descriptive content as well. 

For this several animations and videos can be included on the website. These animations or the video should represent the product or the company or the Brand. 

Capture Customer’s Needs through devices. 

As now everyone is having the Smartphone the customer is having regular screen time with the mobile app and most of the time they are on the mobile app about what they need.
If the marketplace owner can keep the track of all the products searched by the customer in their eCommerce mobile app. This way the marketplace owner can get insight into the customer needs.   

Utilize captured customer needs in Custom Offer to the targeted audience 

If the Marketplace owner is having insight into the customer needs. Afterward, they can create the custom offer and can work on the targetted audience for the sales as per their needs. It will be really helpful in terms of both the customer and the marketplace owner. 

The customer will get the desired products at an affordable price with certain custom offers which will be for the specific customer based on their needs. 

Minimize the Perceived risk in marketing 

The risk is everywhere in every sector. But if we check this in the terms of the market where we lose the customer due to the dissatisfaction for this we use the perceived risk. 

There are many instances where the customers are not satisfied with the service or the products. And this will increase the chances of losing the customer. But this can be minimized through certain options like Extensive and smooth support after purchase of the service or the product.

The customer expects the delivery of their products or the service as per their comfort and availability as well. Which the customer can select as per the provided options. 

Show off the customer’s testimonial 

When a customer moves to any online marketplace it is not easy for them to decide which marketplace to choose as it is a huge crowd. And the best way to help the customer choose their marketplace would be by showing the other customer testimonials as well. 

But here marketplace owner needs to be more careful as it is possible that the customer will give Positive feedback. Or Negative feedback also based on their experience with the marketplace their products or the service.   

Instant Customer support 

In case of any doubts for the customer or in case of any issue the customer would expect an easy chat ability with the officials of the marketplace. This would give an opportunity to both the customers and the salesperson.

If the customer is looking for any custom product or service or looking for anything the communication channel would really help. And in this case, the salesperson will also get the opportunity to interact with the customers as well. It will help the salesperson to get a better idea of the customer’s requirements and ensure conversion. 


eCommerce marketplace owners can increase their awareness of the offers and the products in the marketplace through this advertisement. It can be in any form whether it is email marketing or posting on Social Media. The more the advertisement is attractive the more the customer will show interest in the marketplace. 

This advertisement can be enhanced using AI-powered editing tools like Picsart, perfect for creating engaging animated images or designs. 

And it could help the marketplace stand out from the crowd. 

Try Social Media Influencers to Stand Out in Crowded eCommerce Sector.

As we have seen the power of social media as well on the Internet. It would be a good idea to collaborate with the Social Media Influencers. 

Because Social Media influencers influence many peoples and their followers actually follow their instructions or advice. 

Now let’s suppose there is an Influencer with the Name (ABC) and this influencer is having 2 Million followers. 

After collaborating with the influencer to promote the product or the brand.  Not all but at least 30% of the followers will be a great fans of this influencer. And they would surely visit the marketplace which is still so much traffic with just one promotion through the influencers. 

This would be one of the best ways to generate way more traffic. And can also help in gaining traction in the eCommerce Marketplace Sector. And it will also help to Stand out in the Crowded eCommerce Sector. 


As there are many competitors in the eCommerce Marketplace most of them are following the same concept. And they are also providing almost the same features and services.

Due to this the competition is tough and is more difficult to gain maximum traffic. The only way to differentiate yourself is by providing extra options for the customers for satisfaction. And by focusing on the customer’s needs.  

Overall there are many ways using which an eCommerce Marketplace can stand out from the crowd. 

Some of which we have discussed above are market Perception, simple & unique messages for the customer, and the attractive look of the website. Followed by capturing customer needs through mobile apps, minimizing the perceived risk, and promotions through social media influencers.    

If you are having any queries regarding the Pricing Indication Directive or looking to implement the same in Bagisto please contact us by creating a ticket on UVdesk.


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