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How To Use Many To Many Relationship In laravel ecommerce

So in this article, we will learn how to use Many To Many Relationships in Laravel. Let’s consider an example to understand this concept better:

The relationship between users and roles. In a many-to-many relationship, a user can be associated with multiple roles, and each role can be linked to multiple users.

To illustrate further, let’s imagine a scenario where a web application manages user accounts. Each user can have various roles, such as “Admin,” “Moderator,” or “Subscriber.” At the same time, each role can be assigned to multiple users, meaning several users may have the “Admin” role, and several others may have the “Moderator” role, and so on.

In this example, We will create “users”, “roles” and “role_user” tables to create many to many relationships with each other by using the Laravel Eloquent Model.

#1 Create a Laravel project

#2 Create Model and Migration

Laravel already provides the migration and model for the “users” table, So we need to create migration and model only for the “Roles” table. And one another migration for the “role_user” pivot table.

Create a Role model with migration.

The above command will create a Role model inside the app/Models folder and a migration file inside the database/migration folder.

Create a migration for role_user Pivot Table.

The above command will create a migration file for the role_user pivot table inside the database/migration folder.

Now you can update your User model, Role model, and migration files accordingly as below.

# Make Seeder

Now update your both seeder as below.

Now run the below command

# Create TestController

Now update PostController like the below.

# Make Route

For that simply go to web.php inside the Routes folder and update the file like below.

Now simply run the below command.

Now you can simply check the output in the browser by hitting the above routes.


Thank you for reading this tutorial. We hope you found it helpful. If you have any questions or encounter any issues, please feel free to leave a comment below.

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Furthermore, if you’re interested in enhancing the functionality of Bagisto, you can check out the Extensions page on the official Bagisto website. This page showcases a wide range of extensions that can be integrated into your Bagisto e-commerce platform to add new features, improve user experience, and optimize your online store’s performance.

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