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How to install Jupyter Notebook, use it and it’s benefit

Okay, I am going to explain how to install jupyter notebook in the Ubuntu system step by step and how to use it and what is the benefits of using jupyter.


Jupyter Notebook :

“The Jupyter Notebook is an open-source web application that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code. this is a client-server application that allows us to edit and running documents via a web browser. It has a dashboard and control panel to show the local files and allow them to open and close their kernels.


How to install Jupyter Notebook :


Step 1: Create the environment first so you have installed anaconda or pip package manager.


If You don’t have installed anaconda, follow click here to install anaconda and create an environment for jupyter notebook, here is the command :

Note: this command creates an environment on the default python version which is pre-installed in the Ubuntu system

If you want to create an environment for a specific python version then you should run this command :


Step 2: Activate the environment



Step 3: Create a directory for jupyter project so that we will keep our projects there


Move into the created directory


Step 4: Install jupyter notebook :



Step 5: Run jupyter Notebook

Run this command on terminal



Step 6: Use of Jupyter Notebook

You can see this type of page on your browser



Step 7: Open notebook to write your code

Click on the new button which is you will see the top right side



Now click on the python 3 option, you will see


Okay, so here it is you can start your coding from here and also will see a run button you can run your block of code by clicking the run button.

Note: If You need to install dependencies of your project you can run from here like mentioned below


Benefits of using Jupyter Notebook


From now You have successfully installed the jupyter notebook and now we are going to discuss some points why we should use the jupyter notebook and why data scientist love this notebook:-



I hope this blog will help you to install the jupyter notebook and how to use it. Feel free to comment if any problem or for any suggestions. Also, You can follow me here for more blogs like this. Thanks


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