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How can visuals help you gain customer satisfaction ?

A customer’s expectations about a product arrive on some preconceived notions about the product. In this article, we will see How can visuals help you gain customer satisfaction?
Consumers have different “types” of expectations while forming opinions about a product’s performance.

Four of the most common expectations described by experts are: ideal, expected, minimum tolerable, and desirable.

While a few different expectations also include costs, the nature of the product, benefits, and social value.
Customer Satisfaction is a relative metric and could differ from one consumer to another depending on how they perceive the service or product.

Today, organizations are also coming up with unique ways to capture customer’s imagination and attention.


 What is CSAT & why is it crucial?

In the book, Marketing Metrics: The Definitive Guide to Measuring Marketing Performance written by Farris, Paul W.; Neil T. Bendle; Phillip E. Pfeifer; David J. Reibstein in 2010,

Customer Satisfaction or CSAT is defined as the number of customers, or percentage of total customers, whose reported experience with a firm, its products, or its services (ratings) exceeds specified satisfaction goals.

Customer Satisfaction is also a crucial metric for any company to track its growth. It gives immense insights if a company is on track to achieve its benchmarks while also highlighting shortcomings.

In the book mentioned above, Farris also mentions that CSAT is an excellent indicator of a customer’s loyalty and purchase intentions.

The analysis, collection, and study of the CSAT data lead to a better understanding of customer experience and guide companies to have a better and positive experience.

CSAT is also a key indicator for how likely customers are expected to return and recommend the product or service to other users.

How to improve CSAT?

While there are no hard and fast rules on methods to get Customer Satisfaction up, covering up a few basics helps in an enriched customer experience and satisfaction:

More than 60% of consumers are likely to give negative feedback on their customer experience. Identifying pain points and easing out the customer experience, providing them accessible and seamless channels to communicate will boost customer satisfaction. A Knowledge base for customer service can also assist to improve CSAT and increase customer engagements.

Omnichannel support’s biggest strength is maintaining customer’s history and context regardless of the communication channel they might be using to connect with customer support. Omnichannel customer service offers consistency and eliminates redundancy. 

Having the communication centered around the company’s values, culture, and objectives also helps implement better training modules for customer agents. Which in turn gives a standard experience to visiting customers

Coming up with giving customers a refreshing interacting experience is always valued highly. Tweaking or changing design elements also boosts customer satisfaction.

Impact of visuals over text during troubleshooting at contact center and for the field forces

 We live in a time with reduced attention spans, and companies have little to no time to make an impact and grab the customer’s imagination. Interactive Decision trees visuals are a great way to engage users quickly.

They are direct and more flexible than verbal or text communication. Visuals also directly impact users, and companies have been trying to weigh their impact over traditional text and voice-based troubleshooting at contact centers and field forces.

Customers also find visuals easier to follow than long gruesome texts. They offer an easy, interactive way to troubleshoot their problems and queries. 


Some of the top benefits of using visuals over text are:

Visuals provide clear and concise information offering a one-stop solution for troubleshooting, this also leads to a lower number of field visits.

They are also cost-effective in the long run and reduce operational costs of companies.

Visuals provide better engagement than texts. They are easy to understand and follow for customers as well as support agents.

Visuals stay in our mind for a long time and users tend to remember the information and recall the brand.

If the service given is satisfactory leading to the effective solution of their queries and complaints, it ought to stay in the imagination of the consumer for some time


A happy customer is paramount to more outstanding customer satisfaction scores. Effective communication and prioritizing customer experience and support are crucial metrics to rate a company’s growth. 

Visuals are also growing mode of communicating with customers and companies are investing more to innovate on ways to interact and give a refreshed look to their customer experience. 

Thanks for reading our blog on  “How can visuals help you gain customer satisfaction? ” 

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