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8 Essential eCommerce Website Design Elements for Successful Stores

In this article, we’re going to check the 8 Essential eCommerce Website Design Elements for Successful Stores.

Your e-commerce site design has a massive impact on your sales. Usability is vital.

If customers can’t easily find the items they’re looking for online, they won’t stay on your site for hours. Instead, they’ll do a quick Google search and find your competitors online.

However, it’s not just about getting prospects to click that “Add to Cart” button. Your site should contain the correct information during each stage of the customer buying journey.

That way, they can make more informed decisions.

Let’s go through the 8 Essential eCommerce Website Design Elements for Successful Stores should have-

Create Intuitive and Useful Site Navigation

You should organize your products into categories and sub-categories. That way, users can easily find what they’re looking for. Ideally, you shouldn’t have more than five to six main categories.

Now, if you have categories that are more than that, then you might consider consolidating them into broader categories.

If you want to start your own eCommerce website, remember that users won’t be viewing your e-commerce store on a big screen. They’re likely using mobile devices and less navigation. User testing or keyword optimization is also a good idea.

Feature Bestseller Products On the Homepage

Like with a physical store, the first thing people will look at is your best-selling products. They wanted to right away what you’re offering them.

So, you must show the top products on your front page. It allows them to choose to get what they initially came for instead of wasting their time on unimportant things that are non-important.

Show Customer Ratings for Various Product

Apart from reviews on product pages, it would be best if you also showcased customer ratings for various products. Every successful e-commerce design acts like some community wherein the owners of the page, the ones that run it, and customers work together.

Meaning, that not only do customers buy products from your online store, but they also recommend them to other people. This positive word of mouth through ratings and reviews can add tremendous value to your site.

For the ratings, use the given evaluations of your products to come up with convenient filters. It’s also easier for the customer to choose the highest rates products on your site. Moreover, compared to reviews, ratings are a lot easier to get.


Wishlists allow customers to save your products in the future. That is, in case they don’t have the money to purchase it now.

It allows your customers to keep the item aside from a prospective buyer. Usually, people will forget a thing they liked from a site from their previous visit. However, a wishlist will help them recall what they previously liked before.

You can also take it one step further if you send your customer’s gentle reminders about reduced prices at your online store.

Moreover, don’t forget to make your wishlist catchy and exciting! That way, prospective customers can see your homepage and want to use it.

Accurate Checkout Option

Similarly, your e-commerce site should offer users a convenient shopping experience better than offline purchases.

Ideally, your checkout should be hassle-free as much as possible. This makes the overall process easy and quick.

Moreover, a functional site reduces customer frustration, which allows you to retain prospective customers.

eCommerce Website Security and Privacy

Today, almost all eCommerce sites should have an SSL certificate installed. This is to encrypt the data that comes and goes to the browser.

Similarly, having a transparent privacy policy is vital. This is important to inform users how their data is used on the site.

Have a Clear Return Policy

One of the first parts of having a great returns policy is to prevent the return. Most people return a product if they’re disappointed with the purchase. That’s why you should have clear and accurate product descriptions.

In the same way, having a well-structured and easy-to-find returns policy allows your customers to decide to buy because they feel confident that they can quickly get a refund or exchange after buying.

Here are some helpful tips:

● Make your policy easy to find

● Make it easy for your customers to understand the language. Don’t use any legal terms or jargon

● Don’t include hidden return costs. Instead, be explicit and clear with the costs as much as possible

● Be clear whether returns are in the form of cash, credit, or exchange

Contact Info And Feedback

Another best practice is to add your contact information to your site. Doing so lets you build customer trust, knowing they can reach out to you anytime. Over time, this allows you to make long-term relationships with your customers.

Moreover, the most successful e-commerce sites add a feedback option. This allows your customers to be able to contact you with ease if ever they have queries.

If you can’t chat with them, ensure that you incorporate a simple feedback form. Remember that those feedback forms should be monitored regularly and send satisfactory replies after a given timeline.

Over to You

So there you have it. The e-commerce industry is evolving day by day. Thus, you need to be aware of the ever-evolving trends to make sure the site is functioning.

All these elements and features we’ve discussed are a great way to kickstart your e-commerce store.

Also, ensure a user-focused design that works well on all devices to enhance conversions.

So, that was much about “8 Essential eCommerce Website Design Elements for Successful Stores” for any queries or doubts reach out to us at You can also raise a ticket at our HelpDesk System.

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